About Doxa Research

What is Doxa Research? Doxa Research was launched in January of 2023. They are a 501(c)3 organization registered in Ohio, in the USA. We now have registered offices in Malawi and Uganda. The small team of Doxa Research includes a CEO, Technical Director and then country Directors for Malawi and Uganda. The long-term aim is for all manufacturing to be done Malawi, Uganda or surrounding countries, and lower the reliance on US-based products and services. Besides reducing shipping time and cost, the goal is to empower and employ locally, manage all projects locally and build everything possible in Africa.

As a Christian ministry, we believe that all people are created in the image of God, are valued equally by Him, and deserves a full life (John 10:10). That makes everyone worthy of all that God promises to them. John 4:14 states that we should offer not only clean water for physical wellbeing but also graciously, at the right time, and in the right way, communicate the gift of eternal life that Jesus offered; “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life”.

Who do you work with? We work with organizations, businesses and governments. We cast our net wide, mainly because of the wide scope of urgent needs. We’re always seeking effective and appropriate solutions, like testing Optical Character Recognition (OCR) readings for pumps, solar powered monitors and custom app development. To be clear on our position, you might like to reference a guiding book called Rooting for Rivals by Peter Greer and Chris Horst (Bethany House Publishers, 2018). This book explains why we can and should work in wide circles. The concept of a unified Kingdom verses competing against Clans within that Kingdom. It involves generosity, collaboration, partnership, shared ideas and long-term approaches which should be characteristic of our work. We also do what we can to point you to other solution providers that might have a more suitable product or service for you. As Greer says on page 57, “At our best, we are openhanded and generous, empowering other leaders to succeed and celebrating their wins.” Similar in concept to Thomas Jefferson who said, “He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me.” We can all share. We can all win.

Why innovate only in water solutions? Why serve in the WASH sector, specifically? Education, medicine, business, agriculture and other forms of development form the broader range of long-term change in any nation, so why limit Doxa Research work to WASH only? The reason is that reliable water access precedes all other development. There is no point having good schools if children are too sick to attend. There is no need to think of business development from a high yield harvest if no water exists to water a garden and guarantee a good harvest. A good medical clinic is only as effective as the ability for patients to stay healthy upon return to a village. Once a water system is developed, the question changes to, “What do you do with your spare time now that you do not need to walk hours each day for water?” To our surprise an answer commonly voiced is, “We now have time to go to church”. Other answers to the question are reliable harvests, bricks for building homes, well watered animals, higher school attendance rates, micro business endeavors due to excess products (like selling bricks or vegetables) to create value and not least: redeemed time from not fetching water from afar. Water forms the basis for any long-term change in rural locations. Until that foundation is in place, development will be hindered.

Meet the Team




Uganda Country Director


Malawi Country Director


Technical Director