Doxa Kleen

A teacher at a school in Malawi noticed that children were reluctant to use the latrines provided. The problem is that the latrine was not maintained, and had built up sludge and an awful smell, repelling those who need to use it. Sadly, children may miss school at certain times of the month just because latrines do not encourage use. Why should education suffer when a proven solution exists?

Doxa Kleen is an enzyme-based bio-treatment. About 14 carefully chosen ingredients make up the concentrated powder. That powder is then mixed with water and the enzymes do their work. About 200 grams of powder treat a pit toilet for one full month.

Whether it is a latrine, septic tank, pit toilet or bucket system, the results are the same: the smell goes away, the sludge is reduced, the residual water is less contaminated and no environmental harm is done. The enzymes turn contaminated water into clean water, carbon dioxide and protein.

The solution is cost effective. The shelf life for Doxa Kleen bio-treatment powder is five years. Simple mixing instructions are provided with each dose.

In these pictures Hafez, the Doxa Research Country Director, is mixing Doxa Kleen powder into buckets so that each latrine can receive bio-treatment.

For more information, contact details and pricing, please click the link below.
